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The Senoi Peoples Gallery

This image gallery exhibits the people, lifestyle and environment of the Senoi people. Presently, it contains over 1500 people portraits. Many more pictures will be added soon, of homes, villages, food, the jungle, land, rivers and animals! For a quick overview, look at the Best of Senoi collection on the first tab below.

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The images in this gallery span the years from 2007 up until 2023. Pictures in 2007 (those with 4:3 aspect) were taken with an Olympus E500, which took good shots in the light, but its low-light performance was awful. Pictures from 2008 until 2017 were taken on a Nikon D80 with a Sigma macro lens, and Tamron lens from 2014. The Sigma must have sucked in dust and developed fungus in 2010, giving bad softness to photos, which in many cases made them unusable. The Tamron, thankfully, returned the camera so sharpness again. From 2018, pictures were taken on a D7200 with another Sigma lens! The last pictures of the Semai were taken in 2016 and since then the author has been based with the Temiars in Kelantan.

The pictures of the Semai people were taken in the Bʹtəər River valley in Pahang, while those of the Temiars were taken in the Kuala Betis area, and the two river valleys of the Pɛriyas, Puyan and Jɛnrơl Rivers, as well as some pictures taken at the Bʹrơơx River source.

The pictures in each set (particularly the portraits) are ordered by lowland/highland village, with the Semai villages showing the higher valley villages first, and the lower valley villages last, while with te Temiars, the lower valley villagers are shown first, working up to the highest villages. But perhaps any distinction is hard to tell, especially if anyone hasn’t explored these Senoi villages! Many of the children in these pictures will now be married with their own kids and, sadly, many of the old folk might have already passed away.